I have a confession.
No, sadly, I didn’t discover the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything—but I suspect Douglas Adams had it right. The answer really is 42!*
I had a completely different article written for you today. It checked the boxes of the newsletter formula—you know the one:
Story element
Clear actionable information
CTA and tie back to the story
It was "fine"—but it isn’t what I’m wanting to be writing. It isn’t how I want to be showing up in the world.
I know better! So how did I fall into this trap, again?!
The same reason we all do—there are old stories that linger, and we will occasionally fall back into those well-worn patterns that feel safe and easy, even when they are the opposite of what we truly want to be doing.
I share this brief introduction with you to let you know that you aren’t alone. Doing business differently than the norm, living life differently than the norm, is hard.
What helps: surrounding yourself with others who will gently and with love call you back to the center of your being and remind you—kindly, firmly—that you know better, you can do better, and why not be brave?
Thank you to
for being that voice last night, and to —my daughter, who I aspire to be when I grow up.Now onward—here’s the message I really want to share with you today.
The sirens are calling.
This International Women’s Day, I am listening. Not just to the voices of women rising in unison across the world, but to the voices of ancestors threading their way through my dreams, their whispers twining with the starlight, turning silver threads to gold. We are connected, all of us, through the strings of our hearts and souls.
This week, the full moon looms large, a lunar eclipse adding weight to its pull. The week of a full moon always stirs something deep—a turning of the tides in the unseen realms. My dreams are thick with messages, with invitations. The ancestors walk beside me, nodding their heads toward places I had long left behind.
They are leading me to Houston, a city I lived in over twenty years ago. I never loved it—why are the ancestors calling me there? My soul belongs to the Appalachians, and every time I returned to them from Texas, I would feel my breath come easier, the tightness in my chest releasing as the mountains welcomed me back. But in my dream, the ancestors tell me to go back to that house, the one where I lived with a man who left more than fifteen years ago. It feels like a lifetime or three ago.
“It’s different now,” the ancestors say. “The windows are new. You can see more.”
The message is not in the city or the house, nor in the past I walked away from. It’s in the windows. In seeing now what I could not see then. In walking old paths with different feet, knowing they no longer hold any harm.
And maybe that’s the gift of time, of moving forward yet circling back—not to stay, but to witness with new eyes. To understand that what once felt like confinement was, in some way, shaping me for the freedom I now hold.
As the season shifts from the deep belly of winter into the tender promise of spring, I find myself asking: knowing that we will all die, perhaps sooner than later, how do I choose to really live?
I think of Secondhand Lions—have you seen it? If not, do yourself a favor. Two old men, wild at heart, choosing adventure until their last breath. They went out with their boots on, flying an airplane they built themselves upside down through a barn, whooping and hollering the whole way.
That’s the energy I want to carry into the rest of my time here—whether that’s a day or, if I follow Nana’s lead, another fifty years—I want to go out with my boots on!
I want to raise my voice to talk about the power of kindness. About how our souls are connected like the mycelial web running beneath the surface of the earth, unseen but unbreakable, carrying messages, nutrients, love.
We get to choose how we move through this world, in business and in life. We are not bound to algorithms. We are not bound to templates. We can follow what lights us up, and in doing so, light the way for others.
I want to spend my days tending the land, watching my gardens shift toward native plants, gently removing invasives while welcoming the wild medicines—purple dead nettle, purslane, dandelions. I want to hear the owls roost in the pines, to know that the work I am doing creates a thriving ecosystem, not just for me, but for all who share this space.
It’s messy. And it’s beautiful. And it’s full.
And this is what I will bring to Wildpreneur as I reimagine business as sacred. It will be less about strategy and more about soul. No step-by-step guides—just deep, meaningful conversations about what matters most.
It means things here will be untamed, a little wild, a little messy, as I dream bigger and clear a path to share what lies in my heart. I’m looking forward to the journey!
If you’re looking for the practical, it’s here, woven with the integrity of the heart:
🔗 Book a Compass Session and we can dive deep into your practical questions.
🔗 Join as a paid subscriber, where our quarterly calls will root you in practical wisdom, but always with space for the deeper truths.
🔗 Join us for our next Live Gathering—open to all paid subscribers of The Wildpreneur Way—Tuesday, April 1 at 1pm ET.
Beyond the Algorithm: A New Way Forward
Most people building businesses today feel trapped inside the algorithm—chasing engagement, trying to appease the invisible forces that dictate who sees what.
But what if you didn’t have to play that game? What if your audience wasn’t just numbers, but a living, breathing community—real people who deeply resonate with your work?
Beyond the Algorithm isn’t another social media strategy workshop. It’s a gathering place. A conversation. A call to step out of the frantic chase and into a way of sharing your work that feels alive, natural, and deeply connected.
Bring your real questions, your frustrations, your curiosity—and together, we’ll explore a different way forward.
And if your heart is whispering, if the sirens are calling, listen. Step toward the golden threads that connect us all. I’ll be there, too.
*Oh, and 42? It really is the answer to everything—if you see it as shorthand for "Love ya." Because love really is the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
Thank you to the women who tagged me around International Women’s Day ~ and who walk beside me in The Author’s Knot with
~ , , and . And thank you to and for the call to raise our voices in a Siren’s Song this International Women’s Day.
There you are! Welcome back to your deepest self, which is exactly who the world needs to hear from now.💖
💜Second-hand Lions🦁my absolute favorite 💜
Wild and free and true. THIS voice, this voyage.